Loan Syndication
Loan syndication is the process of collating various lenders on a platform. Where every lender offers the underwriting amount as per his risk appetite for a borrower.
Adequate funds for any business operation is prerequisite & funds can be raised in various form namely debt or equity. Debt can be classified according to the purpose of fund utilization.
Sometime single investor or lender is not comfortable to meet the funding requirements of the business. So a pool of lenders or investors is approached to raise the desired funds. Each lender or investor contribute funds according to his risk appetite.
It is based on strong mechanism of well evaluation of business prospectus & past performance. We have a strong track record of Loan Syndication and has helped businesses in wide range of industries spanning from Manufacturing, Services & Trading Institutions in the form of Term Loans, Working Capital Facilities, Letter of Credits, Bank Guarantees, Loan against Property etc.