
Our Process:

Our process is as simple as any other financial consultants but we have an upper hand in experience. The funding quantum & pricing is well assessed on an upfront basis based on the long term vision of the stakeholders, & funding possibilities are explored with various lenders and investors through effectively devising the risk management aspects for weak points of a business thereby ensure greater comfort for a lender/ investor to understand the risk and opportunity along-with mitigation of identified risks to decide quickly about funding.

Our foremost approach is to raise funds for business without collateral & purely based on business credentials. We first give sufficient time to understand the business & it’s USP. After appropriate assessment of Business, we are confident to bring on board Nationalised Banks, Private Banks, NBFC & other Financial Institutions for raising the desired funds either as unsecured funds or secured funds or Equity participation in Business.

We assist the business prior to fund raising & post fund raising to ensure timely due compliance of reporting & surveillance review by financial institutions.

Our Process
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